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This is Petit


Petit along with  his Brother “Frere” and his Sister ”Soeur” live together on the outskirts of town with their Maman.


Life for Petit's  family was very difficult, most families in town had a mommy and a daddy but  Petit had no memory of his Daddy, Maman told him his Daddy went to work one day and never returned.


Like all the children  in town Petit had to attend school five days a week and by  looking at Petit's family you could see that they were different from a l l  the other families in town.


Children believed  that Petit  was bad and that's why he had so little, often the children in his class would tease Petit and not include him in play time or in group games. 


Like all the other kids Petit  goes to the mall at Christmas time to visit Santa Clause and tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas . 


Maman asks,” So my Petit, what did you ask Santa for”?


Petit replies,” Maman I asked Santa to be just like the rest of my class, so they will want to play with me and they won’t  think I'm a bad  no more.  


Maman  spent that night weeping, sobbing and desperately trying to figure out what to do to fill “Santa’s List”.Maman said to herself ,”I’m so grateful that we have food and a safe shelter but  Oh Lord Phoque  Do I Need HELP with this Santa’s list “. 


Maman turned down a wealthy man 's request for dates because she thought he was not "normal." She concluded, ‘’ I’m far from normal and I should  allow the guy into our home to help out with Christmas “.


 When Santa Phoque  arrived  he showed up with everything the whole family ever could have wanted. Petit said,”Santa brought everything that I asked for and more”. Petit knew that  the kids at school would know now  he  was not on Santa’s  naughty list and would  all want to play with him. 


Phoque  made a great impression on Maman that day , so she continued to relate with him. Several times a week Phoque  would be at the home,  he would spend time together with the whole family , doing whatever he was able to ,to act like the Daddy of the home, playing with them and developing a relationship with every member of the family. They even went on trips together during vacation time. Petit and the whole family felt better than they ever could have imagined.


At the table while having family meals  


When playing games. 


Even in public like at an amusement park


Mamma's  kissing him so much she must like it too .

 Makes a kid wonder ,“What is it?” Mama keeps his “Spirits” filled up and he is happy as happy can be.


The following Christmas Phoque showed up just like the year before. Phoque had gained a great deal of trust ,he had keys to the home and came and went as he pleased. Maman was convinced he was the answer to all  past problems Maman could never have been able to provide for her family without Phoque , she truly loved everything he had done for the family and she would do anything to keep him happy.


Phoque  calls out , “Souer oh Souer come see what I  have for you”.


Phoque  says to Souer ,”I want  you to try something really fun  and funny” .


 Then  Phoque  says , “Souer you are so beautiful “, while giving her  another drink. Souer had one more drink and that was all that was necessary . 


Phoque  says,”Souer the funny time  was special just for you,  just like the beautiful new scooter is just for you Souer ,  never tell Mamma or anyone about  what just happened“? Souer thinks about how much better her life is now with Phoque   providing for them, she agrees to keep the secret.


Phoque  calls out as he stops his sporty car by the curb,”  Frere hey Frere let’s drop off your pals and then I’ll take you for a driving lesson out of town on the dirt roads”.Frere replies ,”You guys here that ?I get to drive that car”.    


 Phoque says, “This is the  first car I ever owned and I want to give it to you when you get your license next year”. He then continues saying,” Look at that back seat, here have another drink of this and we can sit back there while I share with you what, I like to do back their”.


Phoque says.” Drink up Frere,  do you like the car, imagine  how many amazing  new experiences you will be able to have with your friends in this car! First you must promise to never tell Mamma or anyone about the experience  they just shared? 

Frere agreed to keep the secret. 


 Phoque   says, “Maman you deserve a rest, we are breaking ground on a new building and all the machines were delivered this morning, if you like I can take Petiti to the work site and  show him the machines and possibly , maybe even he can  help operate a bulldozer”.


Petit is excited about the possibility of operating a real Bulldozer


Maman says,”Petit I don't think it's necessary to ask you if you would like to go ?, So you listen closely to Phoque  and do everything he says”. Petit  eagerly agrees to listen and do everything Phoque  asks .


Phoque  explains ,”Petit all the works will be stopping for dinner shortly, when they are on break I will show you all the machines, after that you can talk a bit with the operators before they go back to work, then we have an extra bulldozer not being used that you and I can operate together do you understand” ? Petit  nods  eagerly saying, “Yes Phoque , thank you, I will pay attention,  listen, close and do everything you ask”. Phoque then says to Petit , “If you are good , listen and learn, well someday  everything you see could be your Petit”.


Phoque says, “What's the matter Petit  haven't you ever seen someone naked before “? Petit replies, “No sir Phoque .”Continuing Phoque explains  that they are both males and although he is larger than Petit  they are made basically the same. Phoque says,” Look at us we are both filthy and we should wash up in the shower”, Phoque  tells Petit to take off his clothes  and come in the shower with him. Pitti replies, ” That's OK Phoque  I'm not that dirty I can wash up in the sink right there”. Phoque  says, “ Petit remember that you promised  Maman you would be  good and do everything that was asked of you ”. In a demanding voice Phoque  says,” Petit”, then changed back to normal voice ,”Petit remove your clothes  and come in the shower with me to get cleaned up”.


Phoque says, “Now that's a good lad,  take off your underwear , I will help wash you, and then you can help  wash me”. Pitti says ,“Phoque  I know that I said I would do whatever you asked me but please I'm not that dirty, can we just go home?  Phoque  says, “This whole business can be your when you grow up if you are a good , again in a commanding voice says, “You,” he corrects his tone to fun and friendly,”You  have wasted enough time now come on take off your underwear and get in the  shower with me”. 


Petit cries, ``Please please Phoque   don't think I am bad , I just don't want to help you wash, and  I'm big enough to clean myself without any help”. Phoque  calls, “Pitti , Pitti PLEASE STOP you're a great lad and you don't have to do anything you don't want to”. 


Phoque  is trying  to explain that his intentions were only to be more like a father  to him on the ride home. Phoque says ,” Petit you have no Daddy around ,I just wanted to help  show you the things that Daddys show their sons and  I'm sorry for getting you  so upset”. Pitti replies,” I’m  fine and I don’t want to talk about it anymore”. Phoque says,” “That is a great  idea we should pretend that it never happened” then continues to say, “Petit you're becoming just like a son to me and I still want you to  take over the construction company when your older”.”Petit”he continues  , all we had was a little misunderstanding ,you know that right”.  Pitti replied to Phoque, ” I guess so, but I just don't want to talk about it any more”. Phoque agrees  saying ,”It's settled not another word, it's as if it never happened… Phoque  continues ,” the bulldozer you were operating is the first machine my Grandfather bought brand new when he started the company it's been rebuilt several times and although it's nearly a hundred years old”... until they were home 


Mamma asked,” Petit how was your day? Were you good ”? Phoque  intercepts by saying, ``He was very good”. Pitti then tells some of the highlights of the day. 


Petit says,” Maman , Santa is coming to the mall today and I really need to go see him, can we please please go? Maman replies,”Petit I have so much work to finish after the dishes ,I have laundry, vacuuming, dusting and then clean the bathrooms.   “How about tomorrow instead”? Petit exclaims  Maman please,” I need to see Santa, I will help you ,I will clean the bathroom ,you can vacuum and dust and then we can go see Santa while the washing machine is running 


Maman replies, “If it's that important Petit, my love, get going on the bathrooms then”. In no time Petit has cleaned the bathrooms with time to help Maman load the washing machine.  


Petit tells Santa Clause about the day at the construction site. 


“Attention  everyone  Santa will be taking a brief break, please be patient and he will be back in 10 minutes and stay until he has seen everyone ”.


Maman  says to the police,” I don't know why Petit said that, he never mentioned that to me, please let me talk to him over the weekend and I can follow up with you on Monday”. 

Maman says,”  Petit, how can you say such a thing? Phoque has been so good to the whole family ,to suggest that he was being anything  other than good and kind, it’s impossible for me to believe. 


Petit cries,” Maman he wanted me to get naked and then wash me, I am big enough to wash myself, and he wanted me to wash him to . He was yelling at me and saying that I was  bad, please Maman you have to believe me I'm not bad ”. 


Frere and Souer heard everything and then came to Petit's defense by telling Maman about the “funny time” and the “car experience”. 


Maman's screams,” You touched my babies” as Phoque opened the door ! Frere  pleads, “Maman we need you please don't kill him”! Souer calls 911.  

Maman charges toward  Phoque  and she tosses him through the air. Frere is still pleading , “Maman Maman please stop “,Souer now joins him in pleading , Petit is sobbing but Maman continued the assault on him until Phoque made his way out the door to be met by the arriving police 


Maman’s screaming from out of  the house , “They are only children” as she made  promises that he‘ll get what's coming to him .   

Santa Clause was in the north pole watching how this whole event unfolded through the magic ball , he was deeply disturbed to see a huge firm of lawyers all working on Phoque’s  defence, they used money  and manipulation they had Maman believing that if she didn't make it all go away she could find herself in jail and her kids in custody, and thus resulting  

Phoque never saw the inside of a jail cell.

 Sour  in  having been burdened by having to keep the Funny Time to herself it  was far more than she could carry...without help of course. Part of the funny time experience made it bearable that magical drink Phoque gave her was the answer to baring a lone with memories of an experience any woman let alone a lil girl with stolen innocence imagine the life she would have. 

Freire to found that the drink of alcohol soothed all the feeling leaving him alone in his own head questioning his own sexuality and confused sex for love.

The End

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